AB935, s. 1 6Section 1. 2.01 (27) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,2,137 2.01 (27) Jackson: Beginning at the southeast corner of township 20, of range
8one east of the meridian aforesaid; running thence north on the range line to the
9township line between townships 22 and 23; thence west on said township line to the

1southwest corner of township 23, of range 3 west; thence north on the range line to
2the northwest corner of said township 23, of range 3 west; thence west on the
3township line to the range line between ranges 4 and 5 west; thence north on said
4range line to the township line between townships 24 and 25; thence west on said
5township line to the range line between ranges 6 and 7 west; thence south on said
6range line to the township line between townships 18 and 19; thence east on said
7township line to the southwest corner of section 34, of township 19, of range 5 west;
8thence north on the west lines of sections 34, 27, 22, and 15 of township 19 north,
9range 5 west, to the most southerly intersection with the centerline center line of the
10Black River; thence in a northeasterly direction along said centerline center line of
11the Black River to its intersection with the north line of section 6, township 19 north,
12range 4 west; thence east on the township line between townships 19 and 20 to the
13place of beginning.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB935, s. 2 14Section 2. 2.01 (41) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,3,815 2.01 (41) Monroe: Beginning at the southeast corner of township 15, of range
16one east of the meridian aforesaid; running thence north on the range line to the
17township line between townships 19 and 20; thence west on said township line to the
18centerline center line of the Black River where it intersects with the north line of
19section 6, township 19 north, range 4 west; thence in a southwesterly direction along
20said centerline center line of the Black River to its most southerly intersection with
21the west line of section 15, township 19 north, range 5 west; thence south on the west
22lines of sections 15, 22, 27, and 34 of township 19 north, range 5 west to the southwest
23corner of said section 34, being a point on the township line between townships 18
24and 19; thence east on said township line to the range line between ranges 4 and 5

1west; thence south on said range line to the township line between townships 14 and
215; thence east on said township line to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter
3of the southwest quarter of section 34, township 15, of range 2 west; thence north to
4the northwest corner of said southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence east
5one mile to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter
6of section 35, township 15, of range 2 west; thence south to the southeast corner of
7said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter; thence east on the township line
8to the place of beginning.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB935, s. 3 9Section 3. 4.003 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB935,3,1110 4.003 (2) If the bound is a street, it follows the centerline center line of such the
11street or the centerline center line of such the street extended.
AB935,3,13 12(3) If the bound is a railroad right-of-way, it follows the centerline center line
13of such the railroad right-of-way.
Note: Corrects spelling and replaces disfavored term.
AB935, s. 4 14Section 4. 5.54 of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
15amended to read:
AB935,3,19 165.54 Notice to electors. Every ballot, except a voting machine ballot, shall
17bear substantially the following information on the face: "Notice to electors: This
18ballot may be invalid unless initialed by 2 election inspectors. If cast as an absentee
19ballot, the ballot must bear the initials of the municipal clerk or deputy clerk."
Note: 2001 Wis. Act 16 deleted the underscored material without showing it as
stricken. No change was intended.
AB935, s. 5 20Section 5. 6.15 (3) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
21amended to read:
16.15 (3) (b) Election day. An eligible elector may appear at the polling place for
2the ward or election district where he or she resides and make application for a ballot
3under sub. (2). In such case, the inspector or special registration deputy shall
4perform the duties of the municipal clerk. The elector shall provide identification.
5If the elector is qualified, he or she shall be permitted to vote. The elector shall mark
6the ballot and, unless the ballot is utilized with an electronic voting system, the
7elector shall fold the ballot, and shall deposit the ballot into the ballot box or give it
8to the inspector. The inspector shall deposit it directly into the ballot box. Voting
9machines or ballots utilized with electronic voting systems may only be used by
10electors voting under this section if they permit voting for president and vice
11president only.
Note: 2001 Wis. Act 16 inserted the underscored language without showing it as
underscored. The change was intended.
AB935, s. 6 12Section 6. 7.31 (5) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
13amended to read:
AB935,4,1814 7.31 (5) The board shall conduct regular training and administer examinations
15to ensure that individuals who are certified by the board under this section are
16knowledgeable concerning their authority and responsibilities. The board shall pay
17all costs required to conduct the training and to administer the examinations from
18the appropriation under s. 20.510 (1) (b) (bm).
Note: Inserts the correct cross-reference.
AB935, s. 7 19Section 7. 7.33 (4) and (5) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, are amended to read:
AB935,5,721 7.33 (4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each local
22governmental unit, as defined in s. 16.97 22.01 (7), may, and each state agency shall,
23upon proper application under sub. (3), permit each of its employees to serve as an

1election official without loss of fringe benefits or seniority privileges earned for
2scheduled working hours during the period specified in sub. (3), without loss of pay
3for scheduled working hours during the period specified in sub. (3) except as provided
4in sub. (5), and without any other penalty. For employees who are included in a
5collective bargaining unit for which a representative is recognized or certified under
6subch. V of ch. 111, this subsection shall apply unless otherwise provided in a
7collective bargaining agreement.
AB935,5,15 8(5) Any employee of a local governmental unit, as defined in s. 16.97 22.01 (7),
9or state agency who obtains a paid leave of absence under sub. (4) in order to serve
10as an election official under s. 7.30 shall certify in writing to the head of the local
11governmental unit or state agency by which he or she is employed the amount of
12compensation that the employee receives for such service. Upon receipt of the
13certification, the head of the local governmental unit or state agency shall deduct
14that amount from the employee's pay earned for scheduled working hours during the
15period specified in sub. (2) when the employee is on a paid leave of absence.
Note: Section 16.97 (7) was renumbered to s. 22.01 (7) by 2001 Wis. Act 16.
AB935, s. 8 16Section 8. 15.157 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,5,1817 15.157 (8) (c) A representative of the Wisconsin health Health and educational
18facilities authority
Educational Facilities Authority.
Note: Capitalizes authority title consistent with current style.
AB935, s. 9 19Section 9. 15.215 (1) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
20amended to read:
AB935,6,721 15.215 (1) Information technology management board. There is created an
22information technology management board which that is attached to the department
23of electronic government under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the governor, the

1cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy and technology or a
2member of the legislature from the same house as a cochairperson designated by that
3cochairperson, one member of the minority party in each house of the legislature,
4appointed in the same manner as members of standing committees are appointed,
5the secretary of administration, 2 heads of departments or independent agencies
6appointed to serve at the pleasure of the governor, 2 other members appointed to
7serve for 4-year terms, and the chief information officer.
Note: Replaces "which" with "that" to improve grammar.
AB935, s. 10 8Section 10. 16.008 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16,
9is amended to read:
AB935,7,210 16.008 (2) The state shall pay for extraordinary police services provided
11directly to state facilities, as defined in s. 70.119 (3) (e), in response to a request of
12a state officer or agency responsible for the operation and preservation of such
13facilities. The University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority shall pay for
14extraordinary police services provided to facilities of the authority described in s.
1570.11 (38). The Fox River Navigational System Authority shall pay for extraordinary
16police services provided to the navigational system, as defined in s. 237.01 (4) (5).
17Municipalities or counties which that provide extraordinary police services to state
18facilities may submit claims to the claims board for actual additional costs related
19to wage and disability payments, pensions and worker's compensation payments,
20damage to equipment and clothing, replacement of expendable supplies, medical and
21transportation expense, and other necessary expenses. The clerk of the municipality
22or county submitting a claim shall also transmit an itemized statement of charges
23and a statement which that identifies the facility served and the person who
24requested the services. The board shall obtain a review of the claim and

1recommendations from the agency responsible for the facility prior to proceeding
2under s. 16.007 (3), (5), and (6).
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 237.01 (4) is renumbered to s.
237.01 (5) by this bill.
AB935, s. 11 3Section 11. 16.63 (3m) 1. and 2. of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin
4Act 16
, are renumbered 16.63 (3m) (a) and (b), and 16.63 (3m) (b), as renumbered,
5is amended to read:
AB935,7,86 16.63 (3m) (b) The secretary shall submit a report to the joint committee on
7finance that includes all of the information provided to the secretary by the
8purchaser under subd. 1. par. (a).
Note: Confirms renumbering by the revisor under s. 13.93 (1) (b) to conform the
numbering of this provision with current style.
AB935, s. 12 9Section 12. 16.63 (4) (a) and (b) 1. of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin
10Act 16
, are amended to read:
AB935,7,1211 16.63 (4) (a) Tobacco settlement revenues may not be deemed considered
12proceeds of any property which that is not tobacco settlement revenues.
AB935,7,1613 (b) 1. If this state or the Wisconsin health Health and educational facilities
Educational Facilities Authority is the debtor in the transaction, the
15proper place to file the required financing statement to perfect the security interest
16is the department of financial institutions.
Note: Replaces disfavored term, replaces "which" with "that" to improve grammar,
and capitalizes authority title consistent with current style.
AB935, s. 13 17Section 13. 16.78 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
18amended to read:
AB935,8,1119 16.78 (1) Every agency other than the board of regents of the University of
20Wisconsin System and or an agency making purchases under s. 16.74 shall make all
21purchases of materials, supplies, equipment, and contractual services relating to

1information technology or telecommunications from the department of electronic
2government, unless the department of electronic government requires the agency to
3purchase the materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services pursuant to a
4master contract established under s. 22.05 (2) (h), or grants written authorization to
5the agency to procure the materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services
6under s. 16.75 (1) or (2m), to purchase the materials, supplies, equipment, or
7contractual services from another agency or to provide the materials, supplies,
8equipment, or contractual services to itself. The board of regents of the University
9of Wisconsin System may make purchases of materials, supplies, equipment, and
10contractual services relating to information technology or telecommunications from
11the department of electronic government.
Note: 2001 Wis. Act 16 inserted the stricken language without showing it as
underscored and deleted the underscored language without showing it as stricken. No
change was intended.
AB935, s. 14 12Section 14. 16.847 (8) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16,
13is amended to read:
AB935,8,2014 16.847 (8) Repayment agreements. The department may annually transfer
15repayments under agreements to obtain loans from the energy efficiency fund under
16s. 16.847 (6), 1999 stats., from the appropriations specified in the agreements to the
17general fund. The amount of each annual repayment shall equal the amount of
18annual savings in utility expenses realized as a result of the energy efficiency project
19that was funded by a loan. The department shall determine the amount of annual
20savings in utility expenses realized by as a result of an energy efficiency project.
Note: 2001 Wis. Act 16 deleted the stricken "by" without showing it as stricken.
The change was intended.
AB935, s. 15 21Section 15. 19.42 (10) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
119.42 (10) (h) The members and employees of the Wisconsin housing Housing
2and economic development authority Economic Development Authority, except
3clerical employees.
AB935, s. 16 4Section 16. 19.42 (13) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,9,75 19.42 (13) (g) The members and employees of the Wisconsin housing Housing
6and economic development authority Economic Development Authority, except
7clerical employees.
Note: Capitalizes authority title consistent with current style.
AB935, s. 17 8Section 17. 20.395 (3) (eq) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB935,9,1910 20.395 (3) (eq) Highway maintenance, repair, and traffic operations, state
Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for the maintenance and repair of
12roadside improvements under s. 84.04, state trunk highways under s. 84.07, and
13bridges that are not on the state trunk highway system under s. 84.10; for permit
14issuance and other highway operations, including the installation, replacement,
15rehabilitation, or maintenance of highway signs, traffic control signals, highway
16lighting, pavement markings, and intelligent transportation systems, under ss.
1784.04, 84.07, 84.10, and 348.25 to 348.27 and ch. 349; and for the disadvantaged
18business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076. This paragraph does
19not apply to special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements.
Note: 2001 Wis. Act 16 deleted the underscored language without showing it as
stricken. The deletion was not intended.
AB935, s. 18 20Section 18. 20.440 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,9,22 2120.440 Health and educational facilities authority Educational
22Facilities Authority
. (intro.) There is appropriated to the Wisconsin health Health

1and educational facilities authority Educational Facilities Authority for the
2following program:
Note: Capitalizes authority title consistent with current style.
AB935, s. 19 3Section 19. 20.445 (3) (dz) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, section 737, is amended to read:
AB935,10,235 20.445 (3) (dz) Wisconsin works and other public assistance administration and
The amounts in the schedule, less the amounts withheld under s. 49.143
7(3), for administration and benefit payments under Wisconsin works under ss.
849.141 to 49.161, the learnfare program under s. 49.26, the work experience and job
9search program under s. 49.36, and the food stamp program under s. 49.124; for
10payments to counties and tribal governing bodies under s. 49.33 (8) ; for hospital
11paternity incentive payments under s. 69.14 (1) (cm); for job training services under
12the workforce attachment and advancement program under s. 49.173; and for
13funeral expenses under s. 49.30. Payments may be made from this appropriation to
14counties for fraud investigation and error reduction under s. 49.197 (1m) and (4).
15Moneys appropriated under this paragraph may be used to match federal funds
16received under par. (md). Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the
17department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph.
18Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) and 20.002 (1), the department of health and family
19services shall credit or deposit into this appropriation account funds for the purposes
20of this appropriation that the department transfers from the appropriation account
21under s. 20.435 (7) (bc). All funds allocated by the department but not encumbered
22by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless
23transferred to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.

Note: 2001 Wis. Act 16 inserted the underscored semicolon without showing it as
underscored. The change was intended.
AB935, s. 20 1Section 20. 20.490 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,11,6 220.490 Wisconsin housing Housing and economic development
Economic Development Authority. (intro.) There is appropriated
4from the general fund, except where otherwise indicated, to the Wisconsin housing
5Housing and economic development authority Economic Development Authority for
6the following programs:
Note: Capitalizes authority title consistent with current style.
AB935, s. 21 7Section 21. 20.505 (6) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,11,108 20.505 (6) (i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts and grants, other
9than moneys received for and deposited in credited to the appropriation accounts
10under pars. (k) to (pc) (p), to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
Note: Section 20.505 (6) (pa), (pb), and (pc) were repealed by 2001 Wis. Act 16.
AB935, s. 22 11Section 22. 20.530 (1) (ja) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
, section 812b, is amended to read:
AB935,11,1613 20.530 (1) (ja) Justice information systems. The amounts in the schedule for
14the development and operation of automated justice information systems under s.
1516.971 22.03 (9). Two-ninths of the moneys received under s. 814.635 (1) shall be
16credited to this appropriation account.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 16.971 (9) was renumbered to s.
22.03 (9) by 2001 Wis. Act 16.
AB935, s. 23 17Section 23. 22.03 (6) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16,
18section 358m, is amended to read:
AB935,11,2119 22.03 (6) Notwithstanding subs. (1m) and sub. (2), the revisor of statutes shall
20approve the specifications for preparation and schedule for delivery of computer
21databases containing the Wisconsin statutes.

Note: Removes cross-reference to s. 22.03 (1m), which does not exist.
AB935, s. 24 1Section 24. 23.09 (2dm) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 23.09 (2dm).
Note: Section 23.09 (2dm) (b) was repealed by 2001 Wis. Act 38. There are no other
paragraphs in s. 23.09 (2dm).
AB935, s. 25 2Section 25. 23.09 (2p) (c) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 23.09 (2p) (c).
Note: Section 23.09 (2p) (c) 1. was repealed by 2001 Wis. Act 38. There are no other
subdivisions in s. 23.09 (2p) (c).
AB935, s. 26 3Section 26. 23.092 (5) (b) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 23.092 (5) (b).
Note: Section 23.092 (5) (b) 1. was repealed by 2001 Wis. Act 38. There are no other
subdivisions in s. 23.092 (5) (b).
AB935, s. 27 4Section 27. 23.094 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 23.094 (4) (b).
Note: Section 23.094 (4) (b) 1. was repealed by 2001 Wis. Act 38. There are no other
subdivisions in s. 23.094 (4) (b).
AB935, s. 28 5Section 28. 23.113 of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
6amended to read:
AB935,12,10 723.113 Designation of chief state forester. The secretary shall designate
8the administrator of the division of forestry in the department as the chief state
9forester. The chief state forester shall be a professional forester as recognized by the
10society Society of American foresters Foresters.
Note: Capitalizes organization title consistent with current style.
AB935, s. 29 11Section 29. 23.322 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935,12,16 1223.322 Fees for computer accessible water resource management
The department may charge a fee for providing any information that
14that it maintains in a format that may be accessed by computer concerning the
15waters of this state, including maps and other water resource management
Note: Deletes repeated word.
AB935, s. 30 17Section 30. 24.63 (2r) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
18amended to read:
124.63 (2r) Federated public library system loans. A state trust fund loan to
2a federated public library system may be made for any term, not exceeding 20 years,
3that is agreed upon between the federated public library system and the board and
4may be made for a total amount that, together will with all other indebtedness of the
5federated public library system, does not exceed the federated public library system's
6allowable indebtedness under s. 43.17 (9) (b).
Note: Inserts correct word.
AB935, s. 31 7Section 31. 24.715 (4) of the statutes, as created by 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, is
8amended to read: